Create New Process - Reviewers
The Reviewers tab enables you to define the default reviewer as well as reviewer stages for the process.
On this tab you can:
- Assign the default
reviewer: It is mandatory to assign a default reviewer to a process. A review
process is routed to the default reviewer only when the system fails to send
reviews to the stage reviewer or the escalation reviewer. By default, the
process creator is the default reviewer.
Change the default reviewer as follows:
- Click the icon to browse and select the user you want to assign as the default reviewer.
- Select the required user and click . The reviews generated for this process are routed to this default reviewer if the stage reviewer and the escalation reviewer fail to take action on these reviews.
In case the default reviewer also fails to take action, the process remains as it is. In this case, the Super User can reassign the review process to other reviewers.
Note: The Default Reviewer is the same for all stages of the review process. - Add review stage: You can
add multiple review stages.
to and provide the following details on the Reviewer Stage panel:- Provide a unique name to identify the stage.
- From the Reviewers drop-down list, select the required reviewer or reviewer group. Multiple reviewers or reviewer groups may be selected. Alternatively, click the icon to browse and select the required reviewers. The selected reviewers or reviewer groups are assigned as reviewers for this stage and can take action on the reviews generated for this process.
- In the
Review Time field,
specify the number of days within which the stage reviewers should complete the
Note: If a reviewer does not review the assigned reviews in the specified period, the status of the review changes to overdue and the reviewer is notified by email for overdue reviews and pending reviews.
- From the Escalation Reviewers drop-down list, define the escalation reviewer. Alternatively, click the Escalate After field. If an escalation reviewer is not assigned, the review remains in the To Do Inbox of the stage reviewer. icon to browse and select the required reviewer. Review process is escalated to the escalation reviewer if the stage reviewer fails to take action on the review within the time specified in the
- In the Escalate After field, specify the number of days from the process execution, after which the review process should be escalated to the escalation reviewer. Escalation time should always be greater than or equal to the reviewing time.
- The first Stage Review
Condition panel enables you to select one of the following conditions for the
- Any one reviewer must commit: Select this option if you want the review process to be committed by any one of the assigned stage reviewers before the next review stage.
- All reviewers must commit: Select this option if the review process is to be committed by all the assigned stage Reviewers before the review goes to the next review stage.
- The second Stage Review Condition panel enables you to define the approval options if the user in the review process and the reviewer selected in this stage (signed-in user) are the same. This option is available only for User-Role reviews.
- By default, the option
Do not allow self-approval of
review object is selected. If the user and the stage reviewer are
the same, the review is routed to the default reviewer for approval and the
stage reviewer cannot take action on the review. If the default review and the
user are also the same, the Process Owner receives a email notification
informing the same. The Process Owner then has the option to route the review
to other reviewers
Note: The review being routed to the default reviewer is captured in the Certification Manager Reassign Review report.
- If you select
Allow self-approval of review
object, stage reviewers can approve their own role assignments.
Note: The selected stage review condition is also applicable to processes where multiple escalation reviewers are assigned.
- The third Stage Review Condition panel enables you to define whether the signed in reviewer is allowed to take actions at the primary level. The option , Do not allow action on reviews at Primary level, is selected, by default. In this case, the singed in reviewer has to take action on individual secondary objects.
- Click to add multiple review stages.
- Move up/move down: If multiple stages are added to a process, you can change the sequence of the stages. Click the icon or the icons to move the stages up or down.
- Remove a stage: Click the icon next to a review stage to remove that stage.
after defining the required review stages. The confirmation pop-up window that is displays allows you to save the process on the Ready tab or the Draft tab.