Add custom panel
This page enables you to add custom graphs or panels to the Certification Manager.
A stored procedure must be available in the Certification Manager to add a new custom graph or panel. Once a graph or panel is created and displayed on the Dashboards Library page, the graph or panel can be added and managed just like any other standard graph or panel in the system.
To add a custom graph or panel to Dashboards Library:
Provide the required details
on the following panels:
- General Details : Provide the
following details on the General Details panel:
- Name of Panel: Provide a unique name for the graph or panel. The name should indicate the purpose of the graph or panel. You can edit the name after the graph or panel is added to the dashboard.
- Stored Procedure: Provide the name of the stored procedure. The stored procedure is required to provide the logic needed to create the display and to define the drill down criteria for Certification Manager. This information is required before you can add a custom graph or panel. The name of the stored procedure must start with CM_GET_GRAPH_.
- Description: Provide a description for the graph or panel. This description can be edited later, if required.
- Panel Type: Select the required panel type. For example, if you select Bar as a panel type, the graphs are displayed as a bar graph.
- Panel Options: This panel displays
all the parameters that can be edited in a graph or panel. Depending on the
panel options selected, you can configure the settings through the Edit panel parameters page.
- Enable Name Change: Select this option to edit the name of graph or panel, if required.
- Enable Description Change: Select this option so that you can edit the name of graph or panel, if required.
- Enable Legend: When you select this option, the Number of Series field is displayed on the screen. From the Number of Series drop-down list, select the number of series that you want to include in the graph or panel. If you do not choose this option, Certification Manager assumes that there is a single series to display.
- Enable Drill Down: Select this option to drill down to view further details about the graph or panel. If you select this option the Drill Down Destination drop-down list is displayed. Select the required option from the drop-down list.
- Enable Dual Y-Axis: Select this check box if you want your custom graph or panel to display multiple series of data. This enables you to add an extra Y Axis to this graph or panel from the Edit panel parameters page.
- Enable Point Label: Select this check box to display the specific values of each data point on your custom graph or panel.
- Data Source Based Filters: Select this option if you want to display the data related to a particular data source on your graph or panel. This parameter is added to the Scope Data tab on the Edit panel parameters page.
- Process Based Filters: Select this option if you want to display the data for specific processes on your graph or panel. This parameter is added to the Scope Data tab on the Edit panel parameters page.
- Data Parameters Based Filter: Select this option if you want to display the data related to the Process Owners and Reviewers on your graph or panel . This parameter is added to the Scope Data tab on the Edit panel parameters page.
- Date Based Filters: Select this option to enable the
graph or panel to be scoped to a specific date range. This parameter is
added to the Scope Data tab on
the Edit panel parameters page.
Selecting this option enables a start time and end time option.
- Input Parameters: There are five Input Parameter options on the screen.
This means that the custom stored procedure that you are adding can
support up to five variables that the graph or panel displays when added
to the dashboard.
When you select an input parameter option, Data Based Filters panel is displayed. Specify a name for each of the selected parameters under this field. You can specify the input parameter prompts.
These input parameter prompts are displayed when the graph or panel is added to the Dashboard tab.
Note: The options Graph Color, Panel Type, X Axis Label, and Y Axis Label are selected by default.
- General Details : Provide the
following details on the General Details panel:
- Click the Save icon. The custom panel appears on the Dashboards Library page from where you can add the graph or panel to your Dashboards home page.