Managing panels

If you are a super user or dashboard manager in Certification Manager, you can use the manage panels feature to add panels or graphs to tabs. You can associate standard panels to tabs, or you can create custom panels that can be added to the Dashboards Library. These custom panels can then be added to the tabs on the Dashboards page.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

  • Add panels: You can add standard panels or custom panels to the dashboard.
    1. Click Add Panel. The Dashboards Library page displays the list of available standard panels.
      • To add a standard panel, select the available panels and click Add to Dashboard. The selected panels are added to the Dashboard page.
      • To add a custom panel, click the Add Custom panel icon.
  • Change the sequence of panels: Drag and drop the panels to change the sequence of the panels.
  • Edit parameters
  • Remove panel
    1. Click the Panel Menu icon.
    2. Click the Remove Panel to delete the panel or graph. A message confirms that the graph or panel has been successfully deleted.