Re-open closed violations

If violations are accidentally closed, they can be re-opened by assigning them to another user. This is valid for violations that are closed or mitigated either by excluding the violating object or by making corrective changes in the ERP system. Re-open a violation as follows:

  1. On the By Rule tab, click the required rule. A pop-up window displays the objects causing violations.
  2. Select the check-box next to the closed violation that needs to be re-opened. A closed violation is indicated by an icon
  3. Click the Assign To icon. The Assign Violation pop-up window is displayed.
  4. Enter the required details.
  5. Click Assign. The re-opened violation is displayed in the list of active violations on the By Rule tab and is indicated by an icon.
    Note: An email notification is sent to the users who previously closed the violations and the users to whom the closed violations are assigned. This notification informs the users that the violations are re-opened and the reasons for re-opening.
    Note: If violations are re-opened and if they are to be remediated through the User or Role Violation reports, the remediation action link in the report will display as Closed. Click the Closed link to mitigate the violation.