Assign violations to another user

If you (the signed-in user) are an administrator or a business process owner for the rule for which violations have been reported, you can use this functionality to either take ownership of the violations or assign these violations to another user. The user to whom you assign the violations  should be any of the following:

  • An administrator
  • A business process owner for the rule
  • A rule owner

Alternatively, the user should be assigned a custom role containing the permissions to take action on the violations.

When you assign violations, the user is notified by email and will be able to take action on the violations through the notification email or by signing into Infor Risk & Compliance.

Note: If the user is assigned a custom role that does not have the permissions to close violations, the user will not be able to close the violations through Infor Risk & Compliance. But being the owner of the rule, the user can close the violations through the notification email.

Assign a violation as follows:

  1. Select the violation to be assigned. You can select one or more violations to be assigned in a single action.
  2. Click the Assign To icon. A dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Assign To drop-down list, select the user to whom the violation is to be assigned. Your name will be displayed by default in case you want to assign the violation to yourself. To assign it to someone else, select the name from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Colleagues to notify about the violation status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM colleagues or click the Browse icon to select specific colleagues. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select colleagues. All the selected colleagues will be notified about the violation status on their Ming.leTM Feed page. This field is displayed only if you are using Infor Ming.leTM Enterprise.
  5. Select Groups to notify about the violation status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM groups or click the Browse icon to select specific groups. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select groups. All the selected groups will be notified about the violation status on their Ming.leTM Feed page. This field is displayed only if you are using Infor Ming.leTM Enterprise.
  6. To mark the assignment as urgent, select the check box Mark this Violation as Urgent. Emails sent to the users to whom the violation is assigned to will also be marked as urgent.
  7. In the Comments field, provide a reason for the assignment.
  8. Click Assign. The violation is assigned to the selected user who will be informed of the assignment by email. The status of the violation is changed and a long running Post Assign Violations task is created on the Task page.
    Note: The status of an assigned violation changes from Under Review to Open if the user who is assigned a violation is removed. Click the Comments icon to view the reason.