Reopen a reason

This option is available to reset the status of any reason marked as Fixed or Ignored. A Fixed or Ignored reason can be reopened as follows:

  1. Select the reason to be reopened.
  2. Click the Reopen icon. A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select Colleagues to notify about the exception status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM colleagues or click the Browse icon to select specific colleagues. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select colleagues. All the selected colleagues will be notified about the exception status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
  4. Select Groups to notify about the exception status. Select the check box ALL to select all Ming.leTM groups or click the Browse icon to select specific groups. Alternatively, you can use the autosuggest text box to select groups. All the selected groups will be notified about the exception status on their Ming.leTM Feed page.
  5. Provide a comment as a reason for reopening the exception.
  6. Click Save.

    The date and time displayed in this dialog box is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.