
Reviewers for an exception have the option of discussing the exception with other reviewers. To discuss an exception:

  1. Select the check box next to the exception you wish to discuss. You may select one or more exceptions to discuss in a single action.
  2. Click the Discuss icon. The Discuss dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the Discuss with field, either type in the name of the user with whom you wish to hold the discussion or click to locate the user.

    The status of the violation is displayed and is not editable.

    Note: The drop-down list displays all existing Infor Risk & Compliance users.
  4. To mark the assignment as urgent, select the check box Mark as Urgent. Emails sent to the users to whom the violation is assigned to will also be marked as urgent.
  5. Provide the reason for mitigating exception as comments. This field is mandatory.
  6. Click Discuss. In the Reviewers column, you will see the exception indicated with icons and the status displayed as In discussion. This column will also display the name of the person with whom the exception is being discussed.

    Users with whom the discussion has been initiated will be notified by email and will be able to view the reply via email where they can add their comments. Email notifications are sent to the Business Process Owners when a user replies to the discussion.

    Note: A signed-in user can initiate discussions only on the self-assigned exceptions.

    The date and time displayed in this dialog box  is according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.