Drill down to the source system

Several objects are available for drill down from Infor Risk & Compliance to your ERP system. Once your Infor Risk & Compliance environment is configured to your ERP system details, click the object link to launch the application interface to the page that will display full details about that object. Click Open.
Note: The drill down feature is not supported by the following Process Insight objects:
  • Change History.
  • Customer Credit.

The drill down feature is useful when you need to see full details around the object or to see a real time view.

Note: Infor Risk & Compliance displays the context of the item to be reviewed, but it still relies on the ERP security to provide access to the information. That is, Infor Risk & Compliance will provide you the link, but if you cannot view the transaction in the source system, they will be blocked after signing into the source.