Assigning new responsibilities

This panel enables you to assign new responsibilities to the new user.

To assign new responsibilities:

  1. Type in a part of the responsibility name in the autosuggest text box. All the responsibilities matching your search criteria are displayed. Select the required responsibilities. Alternatively, browse and select responsibilities and click OK. The selected responsibilities appear in the Add New Responsibilities field marked with an icon.
  2. Click the date link in the Valid from field to change the validity period of the selected responsibility. Click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar from when the responsibility will be valid. Select the check box Apply to all to set the same validity date for all the new responsibilities assigned.
  3. Click the date link in the Valid through field to change the expiry date of the selected responsibility. Click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar till when the responsibility will be valid or leave as Never Expires. Select the check box Apply to all to set the same validity date for all the new responsibilities assigned.
    Note:  Ensure that the validity period for the new responsibility falls within the validity period for the selected user.