Scoping an Extraction

To define the scope of the extraction, you need to select the rule books containing the objects you want to extract and the Insight used.

Note: To skip rule based extraction for an Insight, the Insight name should be specified in the RulebasedExtractionSettings.xml file. For details, see the SAP - Configuration Settings Guide.

Scope your extraction as follows:

  1. Provide a name for the task.
  2. In the Apply Rule Books field, select the required rule book. To do this, enter the first few letters of the rule book name in the autosuggest text box or click  browse and select existing rule books. Only enabled rule books are displayed in this list. Select the required rule books. The selected rule books are displayed on the screen and the Insights panel will reflect the list of Insights that will be scoped.
  3. Click Save. The extraction scoping begins and is reflected as a long running task on the Tasks page.
    Note: Rule based extraction takes priority over standard extraction. For example, if you create a task for rule based extraction when a standard extraction is already running and another is in queue, the standard extraction will be completed and the rule-based extraction will then be executed. It will take precedence over the queued standard extraction task.