Creating a New Request and Viewing Details

Depending on the ERP application, this page enables you to create the following request types and view the request details at a later stage :
  • Infor
    • Create a request : You can create the following types of requests:
      • Infor - Role Assignment
      • Infor - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
  • Lawson system
    • Create a request : You can create the following type of requests :
      • Lawson - Role Assignment
      • Lawson - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
  • SAP System
    • Create a request : You can create the following type of requests :
      • SAP - Authorization Change
      • SAP - Role Assignment
      • SAP - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
      • SAP - Role Assignment to Position
      • SAP - User De-Provisioning
      • SAP - User Re-Provisioning
      • SAP - Emergency Access
        Note: The following settings can be configured for SAP requests:
        • By using the ApprovalProcessSettings.xml file located at [Install Path]\Settings, you can configure the following settings:
          • Attempt write-back if first write-back fails      
          •  Number of times write-back should be attempted
          • Interval (in minutes) after which a draft request should be processed
        By default, SAP requests will not be routed based on information provided during a request creation. By configuring ParticipatingObjectsConfig.xml file located at [Install Path]\BizRights\Core\bin\Support, you can route a request based on information provided during a request creation. For more details, see SAP - Configuration Settings Guide.
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed.
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed.
  • Oracle System
    • Create a request: You can create the following type of requests:
      • Oracle - Responsibility Assignment Management
      • Oracle - Menu Change Management
      • Oracle - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
      • Oracle - User De-Provisioning
      • Oracle - User Re-Provisioning
      • Oracle - Emergency Access
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
  • PeopleSoft FISCM System
    • Create a request: You can create the following type of requests:
      • PeopleSoft FI - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
      • PeopleSoft FI - Role Assignment
      • PeopleSoft FI - User Re-Provisioning
      • PeopleSoft FI - User De-Provisioning
      • PeopleSoft FI - Permission List Assignment Management
      • PeopleSoft FI - Emergency Access
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
  • PeopleSoft HRMS System
    • Create a request: You can create the following type of requests
      • PeopleSoft HR - User Creation
        Note: For creating a new User Creation Request, the option Allow new user creation through a request (Settings->Configurations->Access Management->User Creation Options) must be set to Yes.
      • PeopleSoft HR - Role Assignment
      • PeopleSoft HR - User Re-Provisioning
      • PeopleSoft HR - User De-Provisioning
      • PeopleSoft HR - Permission List Assignment Management
      • PeopleSoft HR - Emergency Access
    • View details of a request without violations: Requests that have not generated violations are identified with an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Request home page or the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
    • View details of a request with violations: Requests that have generated violations are identified by an icon. To view details of such requests, click the request name link either on the Requests home page or on the History tab. The request details page for the selected request is displayed
  • Date and time Parameters in Requests : The following table lists all the request types in Infor Risk & Compliance as well as the date and time parameters selected/displayed in each request
    Request Name Date and/or time selected on request creation page Date and/or time displayed on request details page Date and/or time displayed in the request details report
    Emergency Access Requests The Valid From and Valid Through dates selected are according to the time zone defined on the Preferences page.
    • All date and/or time details displayed on the details page are according to the time zone.
    • The age of the request displayed on the History tab is according to the time zone.
    Emergency Access Activity Report
    • Date and/or time of the activity details displayed in this report are according to the ERP time zone.
    • All other date and/or time fields displayed in this report are according to the Infor Risk & Compliance application server time zone.


    All other requests

    Date and time selected in the following fields (if applicable) are according to the ERP time zone.

    • User: Valid From and Valid Through
    • Already Assigned Roles: Valid From and Valid Through
    • New Role to be Assigned: Valid From and Valid Through
    • Request creation date, date and time when the comments were added, date and time displayed on the Application Message tab are according to the time zone.
    • User and role validity dates displayed on the different tabs of the Details link are according to the ERP time zone.


    Request Details Report
    • Date/time displayed according to Infor Risk & Compliance application server time zone in the Start Date, End Date, Last Updated on Start Date, Last Updated On End Date, Requested On Scope Data, Last Updated on Scope Date fields.
    • Date/time displayed according to application server time zone and abbreviated with this time zone in filters, report time, requested time.
    • Date/time displayed according to the ERP time zone in User and role validity date fields.
    Note: In an upgraded setup, requests that are created but not completed before upgrading, all the user as well as role validity dates are treated as ERP dates. Connection offset is not considered while provisioning the requested change in the ERP system. This applies to all request types except for Emergency Access request.