Creating an SAP - Emergency Access Request

Emergency Access functionality allows Infor Risk & Compliance Administrators or Emergency Access Users to self assign roles that are not assigned to them.

To create an emergency access type of request:

  1. Provide a name for the request.
  2. Select the connection in which the emergency access role is to be assigned. To select a connection, type in a part of the connection name in the autosuggest text box. All connections matching the search criteria are displayed. Select the required connection. Alternatively, browse and select the required connection.
    Connections are listed only if they meet the following conditions:
    • The signed-in user account is mapped to the connection.
    • The Completion of Request option is set to automatic. You can configure this setting through the Configuration page (Access Management > Approval Options > Completion of Request).
    • The signed-in user has access to the connection, if the connection is secured.
  3. Select the roles to be self-assigned. To select roles, type in a part of the role name in the autosuggest text box. All roles from the selected connection and matching the search criteria are displayed. Select the required roles. Alternatively, browse and select the required roles and click OK. The selected roles appear on the New Roles to be Assigned panel.
    • In the New Roles to be Assigned panel, the Valid From column displays Request Creation Time. This column is updated with the time when the request is submitted.
    • The roles that can be self-assigned must be defined through functional areas. To view roles from specific functional areas, select the option Roles by Functional Area from the drop-down list at the top left of the Roles Names and Description browse window.
    Note: While an SAP extraction is in progress, the selected roles are not displayed on the New Roles to be Assigned panel. You need to configure the settings in the  PostExtractSPConfig.xml file, to view these roles. For details, see the SAP - Configuration Settings Guide.
  4. Set the validity dates for the role by clicking the Valid from and Valid through links. The maximum validity period allowed for an Emergency Access assignment can be configured through Configuration page (Settings > Configuration > Access Management > Approval Options > Emergency Access). The default value is 8 hours. The validity time selected here is the local user time. Ensure that the local time zone is set on the Preferences page.
  5. Add comments to explain the reason for this role assignment, if required.
  6. Click Send. The request appears on the Requests History page. After the request is approved, it appears on the Requests page. Click the emergency access request link on the Requests page or on the Requests History page to view the request details. You cannot take any action from this page.
Emergency Access requests do not undergo analysis and also require no action to be taken on them as the completion of the request is always set to 'automatic' on the default template for this type of request. Therefore, once an Emergency Access request is created, the request is documented as self-approved.