Build the rule condition

To build rule condition for the math rule:

  1. On the Conditions tab, click Add/Edit Rule Conditions to build the rule conditions. A pop-up window is displayed with the Select Objects tab open by default.
  2. On the Select Object  tab, select the primary object. This is the object on which the exception count is based. Only one primary object may be selected for a rule. For this rule, the primary object would be 'PO Receivers'.
  3. Select the other objects that will participate in the rule condition. It is not mandatory to select other objects as they are not the cause of the exceptions.
  4. Click the Build Conditions tab. You may want to build your rule with just one group or multiple groups. A group is a set of conditions. Each group can have one or more conditions separated by an operator. Two or more groups are separated using the operator AND or OR. During analysis, Infor Risk & Compliance evaluates all the conditions in the first group sequentially and then the conditions in the second group depending on the operator.
  5. Select Template as Math function
  6. Right click Select Value under Value Set 1.
  7. Point the cursor to Replace with Math Function. All the available math functions are displayed.
  8. Select Date Difference of. The math function Day appears on the screen.
  9. Click Select Value. Use the autosuggest box or browse for the tables and fields required.
  10. For this rule select the table PO Recievers.
  11. Select the table PO Recievers
  12. Select the field  Rec~ date.
  13. Click Select Value again. Use the autosuggest box or browse for the tables and fields required.
  14. For this rule select the table Inventory Transaction.
  15. Select the table Inventory Transaction
  16. Select the field  GI~ date.
  17. Right click Date Difference to add the Where clause.
  18. Provide conditions as listed in the table below with the condition AND.

    Select values and operators as listed in the table below:

    Condition Value Set 1 Operator Value Set 2
    Condition 1 Inventory Transaction~ Inventory Transaction~GI~Date Before
    • PO Receivers~PO Receivers~Rec~Date
    Condition 2 PO Receivers~PO Receivers~Company Equals
    • Inventory Transaction ~Inventory Transaction~Company
    Condition 3 PO Receivers~PO Receivers~Status Does not equal to
    • 0
    Condition 4 PO Receivers~PO Receivers~Rec~number Exactly matches
    • Inventory Transaction~Inventory Transaction~Document
  19. Select the comparison operator Greater than or equal to between Value Set 1 and Value Set 2.
  20. Right click Select Value under Value Set 2 to select 1.
    Note: For a math rule it is necessary to provide a comparison operator in the Value Set 2, failing to which the rule engine does not recognize the rule during analysis.
    Note: If while building the Insight through Studio you have already defined relationship between objects, this page will display the relationship in the link Relationship Between Objects. You need not add the already defined relationship manually.