Build the rule condition

Build the conditions for this rule as follows:

  1. On the Conditions tab, click Add/Edit Rule Conditions to build the rule conditions. A pop-up window is displayed with the Select Objects tab open by default.
  2. From the Primary Object drop-down list of the Select Object tab, select Supplier Invoice Header. Other objects are not selected for this sample rule.
  3. Click the Build Conditions tab to add the conditions listed in the table below.
  4. Under Value Set 1 and Value Set 2 of condition 1, click Select Value and select values as listed in the table below. For example, select the value for value set 1 in condition 1 as follows:
    1. First select Supplier Invoice Header
    2. Select Supplier Invoice Line Reference
    3. Purchase Order ID
    4. Click Select Operator and select the operator as listed in the table below.
    5. Click Save.
    Condition Value for Value Set 1 Operator Value Set 2
    Condition 1 Supplier Invoice Header~Select Supplier Invoice Line Reference~Purchase Order ID Is any of

    From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab select:

    • Null
    • Empty

    When data is analyzed using this rule, all current invoices without supporting purchase orders are displayed as exceptions.