
Build the rule conditions on this panel as follows:

  1. For Condition 1, under Value Set 1 and Value Set 2, click Select Value and select values as listed in the table below.
  2. Click Select Operator to select the operator as listed in the table below.
  3. In the same way, select the values and operators for condition 2, 3 and 4.
  4. Click Save.
    Condition Value for Value Set 1 Operator Value Set 2
    Condition 1 Vendor ~Active Status Exactly matches From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, add A.
    Condition 2 Vendor 1 ~Active Status Exactly matches From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, add A.
    Condition 3 Vendor ~Vendor Name Is none of

    From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, select:

    • NULL
    • EMPTY
    Condition 4 Vendor 1 ~Vendor Name Is none of

    From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, select:

    • NULL
    • EMPTY
    Condition 5 Vendor ~Vendor Does not equal Vendor 1 ~Vendor Name
    Condition 6 Vendor ~Vendor Group Is none of

    From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, select:

    • NULL
    • EMPTY
    Condition 7 Vendor1 ~Vendor Group Is none of

    From the Literals and Dates & Logicals tab, select:

    • NULL
    • EMPTY