Creating a functional area variable

Functional area variables must be created before creating functional areas. The Variable Library tab displays all the variables created in the application.

To create a functional area variable:

  1. Click the New icon. The New Functional Area Variable page is displayed.
  2. Provide a name for the variable.
  3. The Insight drop-down list displays all installed Insights. Select the Insight for which the variable is to be created.
  4. In the Technical Name field, browse and select the technical name. The technical name is the name of the Insight object that you want to use as a variable, for example, Connection. The list of objects is dynamically generated based on the Insight selected.
  5. Once the technical name is selected, the Attributes field is displayed. An attribute is the field name for the selected object. The Attributes field lists all the attributes of the object selected in the Technical Name field. Select the required attribute.
    These are the schema objects and the related attributes shipped with Infor Risk & Compliance for each ERP:
  6. In the Description field, specify the additional text related to the variable.
  7. Click Save.
    The new functional area variable is displayed on the Functional Area page on the Variable Library tab.