Import users

Users can be imported into Infor Risk & Compliance through a .txt (tab delimited) file. To create this file, Copy the rows and columns of the Excel file in a notepad and then save as a .txt ( tab delimited) format.

On successful import, users will be displayed on the User Management page. Ensure that the users being imported are assigned only pre-defined Infor Risk & Compliance roles. Unless this is done, users will be skipped and will not be imported. Imported users are automatically mapped and will be able to sign into the application.

Column headings will differ, depending on the authentication scheme used. Examples of formats for both Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security authentication and Active Directory authentication are given below:

Note:  All columns are mandatory.

Format to import Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security users with auto generated password

Profile Name First Name Last Name Email Employee Number Phone Number Expiry Date Connections Rulebooks Rules Connections Users Rulebooks BPO Rules BPO Parameter Lists Role
BizAdmin Tom Jones 238   12/12/2020               general user

Format to import Infor Risk & Compliance Application Security users with manually generated password

Profile Name First Name Last Name Email Password Employee Number Phone Number Expiry Date Connections Rulebooks Rules Connections Users Rulebooks BPO Rules BPO Parameter Lists Role
BizAdmin Tom Jones   infor 238   12/12/2020               general user


Format to import AD users

Profile Name


Domain Server Connections Rulebooks Rules Connections Users Rulebooks BPO Rules BPO parameter lists Role
Administrator Europe EC 6.0             General user

The connections, rulebooks and rules and parameter lists columns are optional and data need not be present in these columns. However, the columns must be mentioned in the file, even though they do not contain data.

If data is provided in the connections, rulebooks and rules and parameter lists columns, users created will be the owners of the respective connections, rule books, rules or parameter lists after they are imported into the application. In the case of rule books and rules, users can be added either as rule or rule book owners or as business process owners.

Separators for multiple connections, rule books and rules can be configured through the file [Install Path]\Settings\UserAccessPolicy.xml. Additional columns may be added for multiple roles as required.

For information on the xml settings, refer to the respective Configuration Settings Guide.

Import a .txt (tab delimited) file containing a list of users.