Enable default connection through What-if and request settings

The Preferences page enables you to set a default connection while creating a What-if analysis or Request thereby eliminating the need to select a connection manually. This is useful if you plan to use the same connection frequently to create a What-if analysis or Request.

Set a default connection as follows:

  1. Depending on the ERP, type in part of the connection name in the autosuggest text box. All connections matching the search criteria will be displayed. Select the connection to be set as the default connection. Alternatively, you can browse for  connections. From the Browse Connections  window, select the required connection and click OK.
  2. Click Save.

This connection will appear in the Connection field while creating What-if or Request.

Note:  If the connection selected here is a secured connection, it will not be selected as default connection while creating a What-if or a Request, if the user creating the What-if analysis or Request does not have access to this connection. In this case, the first available connection from the drop-down list on the what-if analysis/request creation page will be selected.