Creating connection for ODBC

Create a connection to connect to an ODBC data source to extract data dictionary details of the target application:

  1. Provide the name of the target application connection, for example Tandem Non-Stop SQL.
  2. Provide a description for this connection.
  3. In the Provider field, provide the name of the ODBC or SQL provider. For example, Provider=SQLNCLI (SQL Native Client).
  4. In the DSN field, provide the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) created for connecting to the database.
  5. Enter the name of the database user.
  6. Enter the password of the database user.
  7. In the Server field, provide the name of the server on which the database is located.
  8. In the Connection String, provide an ODBC connection string in the following format Provider=SQLNCLI (SQL Native Client); Server=[Application server name]; Database=[Application Server Database]; Uid=[User connecting to the application server database; Pwd=[Database server password].
  9. Select whether data from this connection should be secured.
  10. Select whether users extracted from this connection should be mapped.
  11. Click Save. The new connection will be visible on the Connections page. Once a connection is created, you can schedule an extraction for it.