Retain Report subscriptions and Notifications

The Reports and Notifications page enables Administrators or System Managers to retain or purge the report subscriptions and the email notifications.

These settings can be configured:
  • Reports
    • Retain all Report subscriptions: Select this option to retain all the reports subscribed by users. This setting is selected by default.
    • Purge subscribed Reports: Select this option to retain the subscribed reports for a specific time period. Specify the number of days to retain the subscribed reports. All the report subscriptions beyond the specified days will be purged.
  • Notifications
    • Retain all Email Notifications: Select this option to retain all email notifications. This setting is selected by default.
    • Purge Email Notifications: Select this option to retain the email notifications for a specific time period. Specify the number of days to retain the email notification. All the email notifications beyond the specified days will be purged.