Searchable Objects

The global search functionality enables you to search for the following Infor Risk & Compliance and ERP objects:

  • Infor Risk & Compliance objects : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields of these objects and related objects.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Connections Connection Name, Connection Parameters Authorizations, Transaction, Roles, Users, Rule Books
    Rule ContextLinks, ControlNumber, Description, ExclusionDetails, InstructionalInfo, Name, RiskDescription, RuleDetails, RuleInterFmtDetails, Source Rule Owners
    Rule Books Name, Description, ContextLinks Connections, Rule Book Owners
    Parameter List Name, Description Parameter, Rule
    Requests Name, Description, ApplicationName Violation Details, Request Details
    What-ifs Name, Description, Application Name What-if Details
  • Authorizations Insight for SAP : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields of these objects and related objects for Authorizations Insight for SAP.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Authorizations Native Authorization, Description, ParentAuthName Transactions, Connections, Roles, Users
    Roles Description, Name Authorizations, Connections, Transactions, Users, Violations
    Users Description, DisplayName, EmailID, EnterpriseUserID, FirstName, LastName, Mapped Name, User Login Name Roles, Connections, Authorizations, Transactions, Violations
  • Authorizations Insight for Oracle : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields for these objects and related objects for Authorizations Insight for Oracle.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Users DESCRIPTION, EMPLOYEE_FULLNAME, ORG_NAME, USER_NAME Responsibilities, Oracle Menus, Functions, Violations, Connections
    Responsibilities DESCRIPTION, RESPONSIBILITY_NAME Oracle Users, Oracle Menus, Functions, Concurrent Programs, Violations, Connections
  • Authorizations Insight for Infor : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields for these objects and related objects for Authorizations Insight for Infor.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Permissions Permission_Name, Permission_Description Connections, Roles, Violations
    Roles Role_Name, Role_Description Connections, Users, Violations
    Users User_Id, First_Name, Last_Name, Display_Name Connections, Roles, Violations, Permissions
  • Authorizations Insight for PeopleSoft FISCM : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields for these objects and related objects for PeopleSoft FISCM.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Roles DESCR, ROLENAME PeopleSoft FI Menus, PeopleSoft FI Permission Lists, PeopleSoft FI Users, Violations, Connections


    PeopleSoft FI Menus, PeopleSoft FI Permission Lists, PeopleSoft FI Roles, Violations, Connections
    Permission Lists CLASSDEFNDESC, CLASSID, DEFAULTBPM, LASTUPDOPRID PeopleSoft FI Roles, PeopleSoft FI Menus, Violations, Connections
  • Authorizations Insight for PeopleSoft HRMS : The table below lists the searchable objects, the indexed fields of these objects and related objects for PeopleSoft HRMS.
    Object Indexed Fields Related Objects
    Roles DESCR, ROLENAME PeopleSoft HR Menus, PeopleSoft HR Permission Lists, PeopleSoft HR Users, Violations, Connections



    PeopleSoft HR Menus, PeopleSoft HR Permission Lists,

    PeopleSoft HR Roles, Violations, Connections

    Permission Lists CLASSDEFNDESC, CLASSID, DEFAULTBPM, LASTUPDOPRID PeopleSoft HR Roles, PeopleSoft HR Menus, Violations, Connections
  • Process Insight
Note:  If the Infor Risk & Compliance platform is installed on SQL Server 2008, certain configuration settings are required before global search records can be displayed. For details, refer to the Infor Risk & Compliance Planning and Deployment Guide.