Searching for the required object

Most of the pages contain search filters and their related operators that enable you to search for the required information on that page. For example, the Name field has the operator Contains and the Start Time field has the operator Equals. Search filters vary depending on the page and the object being searched.

You have the option to hide these filters. For this, click the grid settings icon on the right side of the user interface and clear the Show Filter Row check-box.

  1. Specify the required search criteria in the respective fields and select the operator associated with that field. For example, you have the following options to search for the required parameter list:
    • Search for a parameter list by name: In the Name field, type in the first alphabet of the parameter list name and select the operator Contains . All the parameter lists that contain this alphabet are displayed.
    • Search for a parameter list by description: In the Description field, type in the required content and select the operator Contains. All the parameter lists that contain this content are displayed.
  2. Click the filter menu icon on the right side of the grid and click Run Filter.
  3. Click Clear Filter to clear the selected filters.
  4. To export the information displayed on the page to an Excel sheet, click the grid settings icon and select Export to Excel.