
Approval Process Templates



Approval process templates are used to execute the approval process of a request. They automate the process of requesting, analyzing, and routing operations such as assigning or revoking roles and creating user accounts. The approval process ensures that when a request is made for a change to an ERP system, the request is verified and approved by a defined set of authorized users before the change is implemented. Verification and authorization are carried out on the basis of approval process templates.

When a user creates a request, IRC picks the correct approval template based on two factors: the request type, for example, Role or Responsibility Assignment and the connection used.

Default approval process templates are shipped with the application. Users can either customize these templates or create their own approval process templates.

The Approval Process link and the Approval Process Templates page will be displayed on the User Interface only if you have Access Manager installed on your server.

Page Access

To take action on approval process templates, users must be assigned the following roles or custom roles containing the required permissions:



Administrator, Business Process Owner (SaaS), Approval Process Manager

View page, create new approval process template, enable, disable, delete, save approval process templates,  add or download stages

Participants in the Approval Process

Approver or Alternate Approver

An IRC user with the authority to approve or deny a request. An approver must have a valid e-mail address and IRC login account.

If a pre-defined approver is out of office, an alternate approver appointed in place of the pre-defined approver may approve a request.

Default Approver

An approver who processes a request in the absence of a matching approver.

For example, if a user’s manager is selected as the approver for a stage, and the user for whom the request is created has no manager defined, the default approver will be the approver for that stage.

Every approval template must have a default approver in addition to the approver.

Application Administrator

An IRC user with a valid e-mail address and permissions to assign or revoke roles in an ERP application in case of manual completion of requests.

The Approval Process Templates page displays a list of all pre-defined approval process templates that are shipped with the application as well as any custom templates created. The default approval process templates displayed on this page depend on the Access Manager Insights installed on your application server.

Actions on Approval Process Templates

Search for a template

Create an approval process template

Modify an approval process template

Delete an approval process template

Disable an approval process template

Enable an approval process template

Customize default templates



See Also