
SAP EP - User De-Provisioning


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Create a SAP EP - User De-Provisioning

General Information

More Details


If a user leaves the company or no longer requires access to SAP Enterprise Portal, the user account may need to be locked and the roles and user groups assigned to the user account may need to be revoked.

The User De-Provisioning request enables you to:

Note: When you revoke user groups, the user groups, Everyone and Authenticated Users are retained. These two user groups are internally assigned to the new user in SAP Enterprise Portal and thus will not show on the request page.

A user cannot be de-provisioned on the same day as which the user account was created. SAP Enterprise Portal does not support the same start date and end date for a user and such a request will fail when the ERP application is updated.

If the request type supports automatic completion, the user is locked by default, the user’s roles and user groups are revoked and the user is marked as locked.

Note: The file WritebackConfig.xml located at [InstallPath]\Approva\BizRights\Settings enables you to remove a user’s access or mark a user as expired in SAP Enterprise Portal. By default, these settings are enabled.

For details, refer to the SAP EP- Configuration Settings Guide.

If the request type does not support automatic completion, the SAP EP application administrator has to lock the user manually and revoke the roles and the user groups manually.

Create a SAP EP - User De-Provisioning

To create a SAP EP - User De-Provisioning request:

  1. Provide details on the panels as described below.

  2. Click Send. The request appears on the Requests home page. Click the request link to drill down to view the request details and take further action.

General Information

Use this panel to provide general information about the request such as the request name and other details, and the connection for which the request is created.

Request Name

Request Priority


Select User

Valid From

Valid Through

User Description

Approval Manager

More Details

This panel enables you to provide additional information about the request.


E-mail Settings

Approval Stages

See Also