Using advanced filter in the Color action panes

The created or existing advanced filters in the Color libraries are automatically available in the action panes. You can only create or modify the search conditions of the advanced filters from the library and not in the action panes. In the scenario where the column exists in the Color list page but not in the action pane, the filter still works as expected but the column values in the pane are unavailable.

Consider these other advanced filter factors for Color action panes:
  • The advanced filter in panes is available in Style, Material, and Trim panes.
  • You can modify the search values of the advanced filter from the action pane but not the search conditions.
  • You can include or exclude search conditions before running the filter. At least one search condition is required to run a filter.
  • The application always remembers the last selected advanced filter. When the action pane is opened, the records matching the last selected filter condition is automatically displayed in the grid.
  1. Select Basics > Colors.
  2. Click Advanced Filter.
  3. From the Details list, click Add New Row.
  4. Select the added item and specify these details:
    Specify the filter name.
    Select this checkbox to set the filter as active.
  5. From the Criteria section, select the Match condition for specified rules.
  6. Specify these criteria details:
    Search Field
    Select the applicable field. The default selected field is for Color.
    Select a condition to match or contain the specified search field.
    Search Value
    Specify a search value for exact filter.
  7. Click Save.