Configuring the copy and variant attachment setup

The copy and variant plugin configuration for attachments applies to these IPLMF application component plugins:
  • Adobe Illustrator

  • CLO-Vise

Each plugin contains its own setting. The Adobe Illustrator setting creates a new .ai attachment when copying the Style record from the AI extension only. The CLO-Vise setting creates a new .zprj attachment, including all the associated Overview and Colorways images, when copying the Style record from the CLO-Vise plugin or from the Infor PLM for Fashion environment.

Note: As a temporary limitation, the function does not apply yet to these Style infoclusters:
  • Mass Create

  • Create Carryover

  • Mass Create Carryover

  • Mass Update

  1. From the homepage, select Setup > Settings > Copy/Variant.
  2. In the Attachment section, specify this information:
    Adobe Illustrator
    Select enablement for the Copy attachment as a new file function.
    Select enablement for the Copy attachment as a new file function.
  3. In the Inactive section, specify this information:
    Do not copy colors with operational field value of inactive
    Select this option to enable inactive status to selected fields.
    When enabling the inactive option, select the fields to apply the inactive value.
  4. In the Copy Fields section, specify this information:
    Note: This setting applies to Style Copy, Style Create Variant, Style Mass Create, Style Create Carryover, and Style Mass Create Carryover.
    Style Overview System Defined Fields
    Select the fields which should always have a blank value after copying a record.
    Style Overview Extended Fields
    Select the fields which should always have a blank value after copying a record.
    Style Colorways System Defined Fields
    Select the fields which should always have a blank value after copying a record.
  5. In the Define Default Copy Field Value section, specify this information:
    Note: This setting applies to Style Copy, Style Create Variant, Style Mass Create, Style Create Carryover, and Style Mass Create Carryover.
    Overview Fields
    Click the Add New Row icon to include items with their corresponding details on Module, Field, and Value.
  6. In the Variant section, specify this information:
    Distinct colors in parent and variant records
    Select this option to restrict users from reusing colors in related parent and variant style records.
    Allow variants for parents only
    Select this option to restrict variants from a variant style record. The Variant button on the Style Copy/Variant page is disabled for variant records.
    Allow parent records with variants to be deleted
    Select this option to enable delete capability on parent records with direct variants.