
These features of the application are not yet available in the extension.

Style Material Trim
Template for artboard Yes Coming soon Coming soon
Template for layers Yes Coming soon Coming soon
Colors can be added to Yes Coming soon Yes
Colors from the color palette can be added to Yes Coming soon Yes
Copy Yes Coming soon Yes
ID Generator Yes Coming soon Yes
Name Generator Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon
Hierarchy Yes Partial Yes
Permissions Partial Partial Partial
Note: Layer names must NOT contain spaces.

Another limitation is that the password manager is a feature managed by the internet browser. When a user is using Infor Ming.le or the Infor OS Portal, these platforms cannot identify the user on the sign-in screen, and therefore, they cannot implement the functionality to remember usernames or passwords. The same limitation applies to our Adobe Illustrator Extension login page, which also uses Infor Ming.le or the Infor OS Portal.