Arranging comments in multi-level order by functionality
Arrange comments based on specific fields within the comments pane.
Multi-level Order by functionality applies to Styles, Materials, Trims, Requests, and Projects.
The order in which the comments are arranged is also the order of the comments when exported to Excel.
You can select up to three fields from the comments Order By function. Once the maximum number of fields are filled out, the rest of the fields are disabled. Once applied, the setup is remembered and reflected in the next time you open Comments.
The order selected is remembered for every user and for each info cluster. For example, the order you selected on the Style Measurements - Sample page is remembered from one style to another unless updated.
You can select how the field order is displayed. The first field selected indicates the first priority. The Order by function can cater until 3 priorities according to the sequence of the selected fields.
- You can sort the details of each selected field in two orders. Set the way in Ascending (Up Arrow) or Descending (Down arrow) order.
You can reconstruct the filter by clearing the initially selected fields and then selecting other fields.