Group document library items

You have an option in the Document Library toolbar to group the document library items in one or multiple fields.

The Group By function is applicable in these conditions:
  • You can group items depending on the selected document type.
  • You can group items depending on the available fields set in the list layout.
  • Grouped records will still follow the sort by condition.
  • If two or more fields are used for grouping, the sequence of the group by details displayed are based on the order of your field selections.
  • The setup is retained even when you refresh the grid or switch from one document type to another.
  • Group by condition is removed once document library is closed or the browser is refreshed.
Note: The Group By function in the Document Library toolbar replaces the option that enables you to use the Group by this column action under the header columns of each basic module grids.
  1. From the menu, select Basics > Document Library.
  2. Select a filter from Document Type.
  3. Click Group By.
  4. Select one or multiple fields to group the items.
  5. Click GROUP.
  6. Optionally, to clear all the grouping fields, click CLEAR.