Searching for materials

You can search for materials using simple search or advanced filters. When creating filters, you can use fields from the Overview and Construction tabs.

Use the Composition field when creating advanced filters to search through seven component types and percentage values. When you use this field, these search conditions become available:

  • Equal
  • Not Equal
  • Include any of
  • Exclude any of

Instead of searching for text values within the seven concatenated component types, percentage values, and layers, your filter will search on the seven component types simultaneously. Your query returns the component value regardless of where the value is placed in the seven component fields.

The Composition field is paired with the component percentage search criteria. The default search criteria is "Greater than or equal to zero" so you do not need to define the search condition and value every time you make a query if you are just searching for the Component Type value. Other search conditions that you can use include:

  • Equal
  • Not Equal
  • Between
  • Greater than
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to

See Search and Creating advanced filters. For a list of fields that you can use, see List of supported searchable fields for materials.