Downloading document library items

Download images and files from the Document Library module to view their contents.

For general information, see Downloading attachments.

  1. From the application menu, select Basics > Document Library.
  2. Right-click on a file from the Document Library grid, and select Download.
    The size of the file is displayed alongside the Download button.
  3. Optionally, for downloading multiple files, click the Multi-Select option.
    The total size of the selected files is displayed alongside the Download button.
  4. Select the download format:
    Select to download a file or selected files separately.

    Select to download files into a compressed folder.

    Note: If the total size of the selected files exceeds 20 MB, you can only select the 'Compressed folder' option.

    As a current limitation, this feature prevents users from downloading files or images with a total file size exceeding 10 GB. If the limit is exceeded, users receive a toast message.