Context (right-click) menus

Context menus are commonly known as right-click menus, because they are displayed by typically right-clicking a record, page, or menu. In PLM for Fashion, context menus are used in application records and in grid or column headings.

Context menu options for application records

This table describes available context menu options in a record listed on a grid page:

Function Description
Edit Edits an existing record.
Copy Copies an existing record.
Delete Deletes an existing record.
Jump To Opens a record and takes you directly to a specific page tab.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Mass Update Mass updates style records.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Mass Create Request Mass creates requests for a record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Create Request Creates requests for a record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Mass Replace BOM Mass replaces the record in BOM with another record that you specify.
Note: This option is available for material and trim records only.
SKU Displays the SKUs page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Favorites Displays options to create, add records, and go to Favorites page.
Note: This option is available for style, material, and trim records only.
Packs and Pre-packs Displays the SKUs page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Generate Report Displays the report generation page for the selected record.
Note: This option is available for style records only.
Export to Excel Exports data records on Grid page to Microsoft Excel. All lines or only selected lines in a page can be exported. Only items in the current page can be exported.

See Export to Excel.

Context menu options for column headers in a grid

Function Description
Group by this Column Arranges records by column group
Freeze Makes the column stationary during scrolling