Searching for colors
When searching for colors, you may want to search a color or a combination color by color code or name, or by CMYK, NRF ID, Pantone, and RGB values. You can specifically search for colors based on a particular R, G, B (for RGB); C, M, Y, K (for CMYK); LAB; A value and B value. You can also search for the concatenated value but you have to omit the space after the commas.
The search results show every combo color that contains the value of your search, aside from single colors that also match your search criteria.
On the styles, materials, or trims grid view, you can hover on the combo color for a certain style, material, or trim - but only the main color information is shown in the tooltip. Click the
icon at the right of the screen to view the colors that comprise the combo color.On the Colors Grid or List view, you can create advanced filters and use these filters when searching for colors.
See Creating advanced filters. For a list of fields that you can use, see List of supported searchable fields for colors.