
On most parts of the application, you can use the search box to search for records. The search results returned are based on your search criteria in the context of the current screen you are in. For example, if you do a search in Style Grid or List view, the results returned are style records that match your search criteria.

Note: Styles, materials, or trims that you created or copied will appear on other user's search results after a time, but they will appear on your search results immediately. They should wait for a few minutes before these items appear on search results.

Use a filter to search for records based on a certain field. The list contains fields that apply to the screen that you are in. Select a field and the list is populated with values for the selected field. Applying the filter displays results that are based on your selected field and field values.

Note: You can only use generic lookup type fields in filters.

You can do a refined search using advanced filters. You can create advanced filters for certain entities and use several fields and multiple criteria.

Elasticsearch is used when you search on these modules:

  • Styles
  • Materials
  • Trims
  • Requests
  • Colors
  • Point of Measure
  • Users

Elasticsearch is used on the list pages of these modules and panes. It covers different search features like list page search, filters, and advanced filters. All other modules use the database search engine.

Note: Modules that use Elasticsearch can only display a maximum of 10,0000 records. The search result counter in the grid shows the actual number of records that match your search criteria. If you reach a search result page that contains the 10,001th record, an error message is displayed.

Elasticsearch facilitates fast querying from thousands of data in supported modules.

You can use these special characters when creating a search criteria using simple search or advanced filters:

  • Ampersand (&)
  • At symbol (@)
  • Caret (^)
  • Dash (-)
  • Dollar sign ($)
  • Exclamation point (!)
  • Forward slash (/)
  • Hash symbol (#)
  • Percent (%)
Note: The asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters are reserved characters and cannot be used as search values.