Background tasks for Made2Flow

You can view the integration, export, and migration status by clicking the Task Monitor button from the workspace. Additionally, click the SEE ALL button to see further detail logs.

In the background task page, tasks are added whenever an integration is triggered for a style.

View the list of background task functions for Made2Flow:

  • The task is named "Made2FlowIntegration."
  • There are several stages in the integration:
    1. Preparing JSON file for “Style Number”.
    2. Sending JSON file for “Style Number”.
    3. Receiving sustainability information for “Style Number”.
    4. Sustainability information for “Style Number” is now available.
    5. Integration failed for “Style Number”. “Error message details”.
  • For more details, click the Logs button and the Details Log page shows this information:
    • Info Cluster
    • IPLMF Field Name
    • Made2Flow Field Name
    • Field Value
    • Created By
    • Date Created