Color management
As part of new season planning, you can start setting up colors and color palettes for the season.
You can add colors to the colors library and you can also add information such as color family, shade, and pantone number.
Listing in this table the features of the colors in the color library:
Ability to define a color as solid, combination, or print
- Solid color to indicate the hexagon, RGB values to create the color content pitch
- Combination colors to indicate the different colors for the color content pitch
- Load an image of a print to indicate the print in the color content pitch
- See a where used
- Ability to update values and load those new values to the items visible in where used
You can also add colors from the color library to color palettes. There are three type of
- Normal palette
- Master palette from which you can generate subpalettes
- Master palettes are normally made for defining colors of a season
- Subpalettes
- You can derive subpalettes from the master palette. The subpalettes are then used for selections to products, BOM