Supporting Style functions


To each Style info cluster, you can add comments. Comments features are displayed in three different views. You can add, edit, and reply to comments.

  • The comments are in context of the active entity

  • You can tag comments as public or private

  • You can add attachments and images to a comment

  • The comment gets a tag automatically but you can retag it to give it a purpose (fit, grading, workmanship, etc.) using the tag setup

  • Comments are by default filtered to the info cluster you work on

  • You can open up to see all comments and all sample comments

  • You can use a special tag (#) to trigger a notification with a workflow

Adding partners and suppliers

A partner is an external entity that could be a supplier, agent, mill, factory, customer.
  • You can add partners to one or more styles, materials and or trims

  • Partner can be set as main partner

  • You can share a style with a partner (manually)

  • You can share a partner automatically upon sending a request

Creating requests for sample, cost, and test

From styles you can make requests for sample, cost (quotation), request for cost-BOM level costing sample, and cost and performance tests.
  • Create requests for a single product and single supplier

  • Mass create requests for multiple selected products and multiple suppliers. The action generates multiple requests per product or supplier automatically

Creating prepacks and packs (assortments)

Companies may have a need to group items together into so called packs, prepacks, or assortments.

From styles, you have the ability to create these groupings:
  • Packs - Per color per size for a single or multiple colors

  • Pre-packs - Color all sizes for a single or multiple colors

Aside of the content of the assortment, it is possible to indicate how much should be purchased.

Creating reports, tech packs, and specification packs

Detailed reports for a single style or a collection report for multiple styles are created.
  • Creation of a predefined favorite report (tech pack)

  • Selection of sub reports that users want to combine (BOM, measurement, care, product information, among others) generating a combined PDF report

  • Respects who is allowed to generate what report

Creating stock keeping units or SKU

A stock keeping unit is a combination of style, color, sizes, characteristics.
  • SKU - Launch screen for identifying which combination of style, color, size, characteristic can be created and integrated

  • Visualize what combinations have been integrated