Standard document type layout binding fields
The standard binding fields for Document Library are categorized in these sections:
Attribute | Binding Fields | Prefix |
Document Library |
Name Description Created By Modified By Creation Date Last Modified Preview |
Filename File Size MIME Type Schema Type ID User ID Internal ID Annotated |
IDM Attribute |
Generic Lookup (Style Overview) |
Brand Category Sub Category Sub Sub Category Collection Division Gender Season Theme |
Supplier | Supplier | |
Extended Field | User-defined Extended Fields | Extended Field |
Like | Like |
Note: Managing the Document Library views, the IPLMF application saves the
field values by schema. Since some of the Style Overview generic lookup fields and the
Supplier field are schema-specific, the values you have initially specified on these selected
fields will not become the same field values when you switch from one version to another. By
switching to another version, the fields are set to blank, which enables you to specify
another value.