Configuring language settings

  1. From the menu, select Setup > Settings.
  2. Click the Language icon.
    The default System Language is set as English and this serves as the main language of the application. This setting is currently unchangeable and only used by translations for several name and description fields.
  3. In the Base Language section, select a language from the list. English (United States) is the default language.
    Note: Base language is used only by the ID generator and the name generator.
    Generate Item Name Translations
    Select to enable translations for generated item names.
  4. To enable translations for generated item names, in the Translations section, select Generate Item Name Translations.
    The translations are only created for languages that users add in Languages for Translation section. Also, translation values are only created for Active Generic Lookup languages.
  5. click Add New Row to add languages for translation.
    Note: Users can update the fallback value. When no available translation is existing based on the current browser language, the System Language value is displayed.
  6. Click Save.