Migration checklist for existing partner users

This is the recommended process for migrating the existing partner users.

Check Process
Export the partner users from Infor Ming.le User Management and update the partner user files to add the correct roles in External Entity Management

For list of roles, see Processing self-management for partner users.

Optionally, set the partner users status as inactive in Infor Ming.le User Management
Note: This action prevents partner users to log in until their access are fully migrated.
Create existing partners that are System Partners in IPLMF application as an external entity
Note: Only the current System Partners are to be migrated if our customers require these partners to continue to have access to PLM application.
Ensure that the correct schema is configured in the IPLMF setup
Import the users for each External Entity or Partner.
Note: For existing partner users, ensure that the email is the same with the IPLMF initial setup so that the EEM user is linked to the same user in PLM.
Confirm that migrated Partner Users are able to log in. The partner users must be able to log-in as soon as the import is completed.
IPLMF roles for each users are updated automatically in the IPLMF application. Optionally, delete the migrated Partner Users in Manage Users setup. The cleanup removes any impact to the remaining IPLMF users.