Column description

This table describes the columns of the Features page:

Column Description
Feature ID Contains the unique ID or code of the specific feature.
Development Contains the name of the feature. The name is a link to a Knowledge Base (KB) page in the Infor Support Portal that contains details about the feature.
Feature Type Describes the category or nature of the feature.

See Feature Type field classifications.

Dependency Contains the name of other feature or features that this feature is dependent on. This feature cannot be enabled as long as the features being depended on are disabled. The feature being depended on cannot be disabled as long as any feature that depends on it is enabled.
Overrides Contains the name of other feature or features that this specified feature overrides.
Status Use the toggles to enable or disable a feature.
Release Version Contains the application version where the feature is introduced
Expiry Version Shows the version when the feature becomes officially a part of the application and permanently toggled on. You are encouraged to test the features because they will have an expiry version eventually.
Last Modified Shows the date and time when the feature is enabled or disabled. This column is blank when the feature has not been enabled.