Configuring measurement details

You can set the default style measurement information that will appear in the Measurements tab of style records by configuring the style measurement settings.

  1. From the menu, select Setup > Settings > Measurement Details.
  2. Click Configure Style Measurement Settings.
  3. Select Enable Style Measurement Settings.
  4. Specify this information:
    Grade Rule Format
    Select a grade rule format from the list.
    Tolerance Format
    Select a tolerance format from the list.
    Measurement View
    Select a measurement view from the list.
    Decimal Places
    Select a value from the list.
    Fraction Denominator
    Select a value from the list.
    Note: Other measurement information, including POMs, must be manually set in the style's Measurements page.
  5. In the Sample Page Approval and Rejection section, select an action:
    • Update sample size on Style Measurement master page when approving/rejecting sample page with the sample size on sample page.
    • Always keep the same sample size in master page
    Note: The sample page approval and rejection actions apply only when the sample page is different from the master page. Revised values of the sample size from the sample page is cascaded to the graded measurement and also adjust the increments in the background.
  6. From Request Approval Status section, select Sync Approval Status to Linked Request.

    This setting ensures that the approval status is consistently synchronized between linked pages.

    Note: This setting is currently limited to a one-way process: from Style Measurements Sample to Request. Approving a request does not update the status of the linked sample. Additionally, this applies only to the ‘Approved’ status. You must manually update other status updates from the sample page of the request to stay in sync.
  7. Click Save.