Generating color codes automatic with 3-letter code combination

Setting a color code with maximum length value of 3 enables the automatic generation of 3-letter code using the characters from the English alphabet whenever a new color record is created.

When you select the 3-letter code option, all other available settings are disabled:
  • Create new number series for every change in value of
  • String
  • Number Series
  • Contextual Value
  • Sequence
  1. From the menu, select Setup > ID Generator.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select Color.
    Specify a name for the color ID rule.
    Optionally, provide a description for the ID rule.
    Max Length
    Default value is set to 3.
    Allow Manual Override
    Select this check box to allow users to manually edit automatically generated IDs, that is, item number or item code, on records.
    3 Letter Combination
    Select this check box to enable the automatic 3-letter code combination for ID generation.
    There is already an active ID Generator for Color module.
  4. Click Save.
    Under the Current Values table, the last generated ID from a previous setup is also displayed along with the generated ID when the 3 Letter Combination option is selected.