
This table describes the resources that can be imported into the target tenant.

You can only tag and deploy the fields. You cannot tag and deploy the field values.
Resource Category Description
Style Extended Field Configuration

Extended Field is a custom user-defined field that you can set as a text, a numeric, a check box, a date, or a drop-down list.

You can incorporate this configuration classification type only into user-defined views within Style list views and overview page views.

Material Extended Field Configuration

Extended Field is a custom user-defined field that you can set as a text, a numeric, a check box, a date, or a drop-down list.

You can incorporate this configuration classification type only into user-defined views within Material list views and overview page views.

Trim Extended Field Configuration

Extended Field is a custom user-defined field that you can set as a text, a numeric, a check box, a date, or a drop-down list.

You can incorporate this configuration classification type only into user-defined views within Trim list views and overview page views.

See Extended fields from Infor PLM for Fashion User Guide.