Panes are part of the application that appear on the right of the screen when you click certain icons. These panes can provide information or a list of records, depending on the icon that you clicked or the screen that you are currently on.
A context pane shows a list of records that are related to the current record or in the context of the screen you are on. An example of a context pane is the Where Used pane, which shows the records where the current record is added to.
An action pane shows a list of records that you can add to the current module or tab that you are on. An example is the Add Material action pane that appears when you click the icon in the Style BOM tab.
Unlike most part of the application, you cannot customize panes. The available columns on panes are predefined, and you cannot customize the column labels. The column labels in panes are system-defined but might appear different as compared to the Library list page (for example, Style) because these columns can be customized through Manage Views.