Reports and reporting
Report templates
- Detailed reports
Corresponding one element of a product like style information, style BOM, style measurements, and style images.
- A list report
Like a style status report, showing multiple style items.
Ability to add users, user groups, partners, and partner groups to the report
Create favorite reports, for example, combine multiple detailed reports into one favorite (tech) report
Ad hoc assembling of reports into one big report
Favorite reports can be created and define which favorites for what request type or subtype
Copy report templates and adjust the reports to your own layouts
The list of template reports are available:
- Style
Style card, BOM, Measurement, sample pages, comments, BOO, Care and content
All image related ones, construction, images, colorway images, artwork, technical drawings, patterns, sketches, other images
- Material and Trim
Material card, trim card
- List views
Product line overview
Status overview
Generated reports like tech packs and collection overview are made and are automatically saved for a period of time that you configure. Report PDFs are created based on underlying reports and bundled into one PDF document at the end of the process.
Create reports based on report templates
Create report favorites for quick use in flex query view, style, material, trim, or requests
Grant access rights to user groups that can generate specific reports
Generate reports using predefined standard report templates
Reporting using Flexible Query tool and Viewer (FQV)
Allowing you to make “new views” through combining information from different info clusters on a style
Serving as a landing page for selections for generating reports
The information in FQV generates XML as basis for new reports
Dynamic advanced filter
Selection of columns from different info clusters
Access rights for the report or query
Ability to select the colors as color pitches and style images
Export all to Excel
Current scope for FQV is Style and merge of Style BOM with Style material information.
Extracting Data using data from Data Lake
Data from style is stored in Data Lake. The data can be extracted using Compass JDBC to third party applications. Reports are made by the 3rd party application.
Extracting Data using ODATA
It is possible to extract data using the ODATA framework. In computing, Open Data Protocol is an open protocol that allows the creation and consumption of query able and interoperable REST APIs in a simple and standard way.