Creating an event

To create a new event:

  1. Click + Add in the events section of a custom or extension object.
  2. Specify this information.
    Event Identifier
    This name is used to identify the event and is displayed as a tile in the events section on the Object page. Event name is mandatory, must be unique, and cannot exceed 100 characters.
    Translations/Select category
    Every created event must have a translation in the registry catalog. The available categories are based on content permissions. In the selected category, you can create a new registry entry or use an existing registry entry from that category.
    Registry entry name
    If you intend to use an existing registry entry, all available entries from the above specified categories are available for selection. If you intend to create a new registry entry, you can type the name of the new entry. The name of the new entry must be unique within its category in the registry.
    If you intend to use an existing registry entry, all available translations for the selected entry are displayed. If you intend to create a new registry entry, an empty form with the English language is displayed. English language translation is mandatory. In the grid, you can add a new translation by clicking on + Add and by selecting one of the available languages, by providing a mandatory title and by providing an optional description. You can remove one or more translations by selecting the check boxes next to the translations to be deleted and by clicking on the delete icon in the blue toolbar.
  3. Click Save to save the event details. The newly added event is displayed as the first item on the list in the Events section of the Object page.
    To edit an event, you can open the same dialog box by clicking More Actions in the top right corner of the event and then select Edit from the drop-down menu.
Note: Event Identifier must be unique between the parent object and all its related extension objects.