
The Chart widget is an indispensable tool for transforming data into meaningful visual insights. Its ability to present complex information in a clear and engaging way makes it valuable to enhance data-driven decision making and communication.

On the widget, you can use the icons on the toolbar for several actions.

This table gives an overview of the icons and their corresponding actions:

Action Icon Description
Delete Delete Remove the widget from the canvas. By removing a widget from the canvas, you also remove its configurations.
Filter Filter Filter the data in the widget. See Filter data in an insight on how to configure a filter.
Configure Configure Open the Settings tab in the right side panel.
Move Move Move the widget by dragging and dropping it on the canvas.

The Settings tab for the Chart widget can be slightly different for each type of selected data to display and graph type.

This table gives an overview of all the configuration fields on the Settings tab:

Field Description
Name Type a mandatory name for the widget. Default name is Chart.
Graph type Select the type of graph to use to display the data. These graphs are available:
  • Pie
  • Bar
  • Donut
  • Line
  • Area
  • Column
Data to Display Select the data from the drop-down to display in the widget. These are the types of data available for selection:
  • Process Metrics – the list is populated with the default metrics calculated for data that are loaded into the database
    • Case Count
    • Case Cycle Time
    • Event Count
    • Variant Count
  • Event Level Metrics – the list is populated with the configured event level metrics.
  • Attributes – the list is populated with attributes that are loaded into the database.
Aggregation Select the aggregation to apply to the selected data to display. These options are available:
  • Avg
  • Count
  • Max
  • Median
  • Min
  • Sum
Group by Select an item from the list in the drop-down to use for aggregation of the data.
Custom Labels Use the switcher to customize the labels displayed in the widget. By default the switcher is set to off.
X-axis Label This field is visible only when the Custom Labels switcher is set to on and is used to customize the x-axis label.
Y-axis Label This field is visible only when the Custom Labels switcher is set to on and is used to customize the y-axis label.
Industry Benchmark The industry benchmark value is a static value displayed on the Line and Area charts as a line.

This configuration is only available when Data to Display is:

  • Process Metrics - Case Cycle Time
  • Event Level Metrics type Cycle Time

To select a value:

  1. Click the edit icon.
  2. In the dialog box, select a process from the list. To search for text contained in the name of a column, type a search term in the search box. By searching, you are applying a filter to the list of objects in the left panel. You can remove a search term by clicking the close icon on the search box.
  3. Click Save to save the configuration. The added value is displayed in the box.