Data Definition
Users with the IPI-MiningDataEngineer or IPI-MiningAdmin role can use the
menu to create or update industry content definitions.Process Mining data definitions are organized hierarchically. Here is an overview of the structure:
- CloudSuite
- Process
- Object
- Events
- Scripts
- Attributes
- Object
- Process
Each CloudSuite consists of one or more processes containing objects, which represent specific business entities, such as Requisition, Requisition line, and so on. In case of the object being a line item (for example: Requisition Line, Purchase Order Line) a parent reference is added as well, which points to the parent object (for example: Requisition Line: Requisition). Several events may happen to each object (for example: order created, order approved, order shipped, and so on), as well as some attributes might be related to an object.
Attributes are additional information such as currency, amount, and so on, which can help to analyze the process course and help to narrow down the analysis. Events and attributes are defined as queries to a specific Data Lake table.
In the Process Modeler module of the Process Intelligence application, each Infor CloudSuite has specified BPMN process models. These process models are the desired flow of events happening to specific end-to-end business process, which, in process mining terms, is represented by multiple objects.