Viewing the usage of a single entry

  1. On the Entries tab, you can see a Used, Unused, or Used in CA label for each registry entry tile.
  2. For an entry marked with the Used label, click Edit or View. In the entry details screen, select the Usage tab. A list is displayed of BPMN Models and Process Maps where this entry is used.
  3. You can navigate to each model from this list and back.
  4. Click Export to CSV to export the list of models where this entry is used.
    Note: Entries marked with the Used in CA label are used as names for custom attributes. A usage list to show which custom attribute definitions use this label is not available; however, you cannot delete such entries as they are considered in use.

    Entries used in the Process Mining module are marked with the Unused label, and the Usage tab is empty even though the entries are used in metadata definitions.